Welcome to Stokesay Primary School

Admissions Policy


Each year, our school admission arrangements are reviewed and will be published on this site once confirmed. We also send a copy to Shropshire Council's 'Admissions Team', to publish a copy on the Shropshire Council website.  www.shropshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions

Stokesay Primary School has an published admission number (PAN) of 30 and may admit up to this number of children in each year group. For children who are due to enter the Reception year, Shropshire Education Authority has a standard application process, which parents must complete before their child can be admitted into the school. 

Parents are made aware of when to apply for Reception. Parents are then asked to complete an online application.  

Mid term applications are handled directly by the school.  If you are moving into the County and wish your child to be admitted into Stokesay School, or wish to transfer from another Shropshire school, please contact us on 01588 672275.  We will be happy to give you all the information you need and if necessary we can arrange for you and your child to visit the school.

Applications for places in our Nursery should be made through the School Office, where further information is also available. They usually start in the term after they are three years old.  Please register your children in good time for Nursery.  Places are allocated at the beginning of the term prior to children starting.

Please click here for the agreed 2022/23 Admission Policy.

Please click here for the agreed 2023/24 Admission Policy. 

Please click here for the agreed 2024/25 Admission Policy. 


Alternatively, please go to Shropshire Council's website for more information.   
